Who Possesses Your Life?

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith 

Possession is something that we talk about mostly in terms of inanimate objects most of the times. However, possession is also something that can be used to refer to us.  We are possessions.  


God or the devil possesses us, but we have a choice in who possesses us. Unless we belong to God, we belong to the devil. However, we became possessed by God and no longer possessed by the devil the moment we were saved. 


In Luke 8:26-39, we see a case of demonic possession, where Jesus casts the demons into a herd of pigs. There are other cases of unsaved people in Scripture that are possessed by demonic spirits.  Children of God have nothing to be afraid of; don’t be afraid of the devil.  We live in a spiritual battle everyday, walk in the spiritual authority. 


How should you fight the spiritual battle? Take hope into the dark places because the devil drives people into solitude and darkness.  There are people with wounds that need that have been driven to the darkness, by themselves, and need the hope of Jesus brought to them. 


What happens when you find the one that saves you and give you hope and loves you when everyone else writes you off)?   The man that Jesus cast the demons out of fell down at Jesus’ feet.  When people saw this they were afraid because they saw sanity, and asked Jesus to leave. 


When Jesus left, the man that had been changed asked to go with Jesus, but Jesus sent him back to His home to tell of what happened and to show everyone who possessed him now. Since Jesus has given ownership of your life to God, you should now spend your life telling others of the hope you know in Him.


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