The Bible recounts Jesus’ final week in Luke 19. He was on his way to Jerusalem. He was going to the cross to die and had only a week left to live. On his way, he stopped through a town called Jericho, which was known for the super-rich. This town was one of the most desirable places to live, even the chief tax collector lived in Jericho. These collectors were crooks as they extorted huge amounts of money from the people. The richest one, the chief of all of them, was Zacchaeus. He had all the money, power and influence in the world, but even with all that, there was still something missing from his life.
Now as Jesus was going through Jericho, he saw Zacchaeus and called him by name saying, “I want to come to your house today.” When Zacchaeus realized the love that Jesus had for him, calling him by name and coming to his house in spite of his failure and corruption, he responded to Jesus, “I'm going to give away half of all my money! I'm going to pay back four times from anybody I have taken from.” The very fact that Zacchaeus wanted to do those things showed that there had been a profound change in his heart. Jesus then said, “This day, salvation has come to your house.”
Jesus ends the whole story by saying the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. That was his purpose. On his way to Jerusalem a week before his death, Jesus declared part of his mission and he summarized it by saying how he came to find lost people. That's why Jesus came, to seek and save the lost, and he is seeking you today.