Jesus told his disciples this parable in Luke 15:3-4:
Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
Jesus tells us in this story that he values lost people. He doesn't view people the way we view people. We have a way of categorizing different levels of being lost. There's either lost or there’s found. The definition of lost is something that is misplaced, has wondered, or is taken away.
I believe a lot of people in our world are lost and misplaced. There are people all over that have wandered away, yet God overwhelmingly loves them. He values them.
In another way, there are some who might think of themselves not as being lost, but as being a lost cause. They think a lost cause is someone who is unredeemable and has no hope, but a lost cause is just someone that has not been introduced to the love of Jesus. With Jesus, there are no lost causes.
Jesus left the 99 to find the lost causes. He loves us so much. He found me. He took my past, threw it away, and gave me a fresh new start so I'm able to live for God. I'm able to overcome all the challenges that are in front of me. I struggle in my life just like anyone else does, but it is his love for me that keeps me moving forward.
That's why the Bible says we are to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Every time I struggle, I look at Jesus and remember, “You love me. You started this. You're going to finish it and I'm going to be okay.” There are no lost causes with Jesus.