In the Bible, Paul wrote to Timothy: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” (1 Timothy 1:15)
Paul was saying that he is the worst sinner on the planet. He was acknowledging that he had committed sins just like everyone else. He knew he did things regularly that he was sorry for that he couldn't control.
Although Paul realized that he was the worst person in the world, he knew his sins and his identity were not connected. He didn’t connect his mistakes with who he was. He didn’t connect his identity with what people said about him or even with what he said about himself. Paul only connected his identity to what God had to say about him. What about us?
God doesn't judge us on what we’ve done. He judges us on the merits of Jesus who is in us. It's the Lord who makes us righteous. The Lord is the one who judges us. And you know what? When he judges us, he judges us that we’re righteous.
When He makes me righteous, I become righteous. When I recognize that fact, I no longer try to earn it out of what I can do. I began to accept what he has done for me.
Choose today to have a transformed view of your life. Jesus has already done it all for you. Don't combine your sins with your identity. Keep those things separate. Recognize that your sins do not define your identity. Let Jesus’ righteousness determine your identity and who you are in Christ today. It's the Lord who makes us righteous.