Live to Tell


By Pastor Jeffrey Smith


Stories fascinate me. Whether it’s Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy or C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, storytelling is one of the most compelling ways to get a point across. Jesus spoke in parables because of this truth. Sometimes, characters and plot points and narratives can impact us more profoundly than we realize. Have you ever listened to someone tell you a story of an important part of their life? Maybe the first time they met their significant other, or when they were in a life-or-death scenario. There is a passion from the person telling the story that is simply infectious, the drama or the humor hits a little bit stronger when the story is good.

If your life has been changed by Jesus, the story you have can move people in the same direction. Nobody can question what you’ve seen with your own eyes! My hope is that through Jesus First, Jesus Always, you would feel encouraged and strengthened about your own story. Jesus heals us all in different ways, at different times, and sets us on different paths. Your story will connect with people who need healing in a similar way and at a similar time. The different path Jesus has set you on will reveal to people the potential they have to be changed by Jesus. I can’t tell people your story. I haven’t lived it. There are people that wouldn’t be encouraged by my story, but only by yours. Live to tell your story!

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