We want to help encourage senior citizens living in assisted living centers or rehabilitation centers that aren't able to go into public settings or have contact with the public due to the risk of COVID-19. We want them to know they're not alone! That's why we created Letters to Legends!
We're asking parents and teachers to help their children write an encouraging letter. Here's how to participate.
- Download the template at the button below & print it out at home.
- Help your child write intheir favorite scripture verse, a few friendly words, and draw a picture.
- Get the letter back to us one of these ways:
- Scan & email to info@col.tv
- Mail the letters to us at Letters to Legends - City of Life - 2874 E IBM Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34744,
- Or drop them off this week from Sunday, March 29 through Friday, April 3, between the hours of 3-5 pm at City of Life's campus.
We'll take care of safely distributing the letters to senior citizens who are in need of encouragement!
Download the template here: