One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1


When Jesus’ disciples saw Him praying, they realized they weren’t content with just watching. They wanted Jesus to show them how to pray like Him. If you have a passion and a hunger to know and to learn, then you’ll ask. If it’s not burning in you, if you don’t have a passion and a hunger to know and to learn, you’ll never ask. 


If we think that we’re experts in an area, we’ll never try to improve. When we think there is very little improvement in our lives, it is probably an indicator that we need improvement the most. We’re learning less and less because knowledge is so readily available to us, and we feel as if we don’t have to remember everything because it’s so easily accessible via online search engines and social media.


Don’t be the person who says “I don’t need to learn how to pray.” Prayer isn’t something we can learn on Google. The same model Jesus gave His disciples in Luke 11 and in Matthew 6 is the same model we can follow today. 

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