Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10


What does it mean to give honor? To honor something is to see its value. When you give honor to the value of something or someone, it releases that person or object’s worth. Biblical honor springs from love, and is the kind of honor that allows us to see the same value in a person that God sees. We give the appropriate attention to something based on how much value we perceive. 


We need to understand what honor actually means so that we can ascribe to it the value that it deserves. Honor has got to be rooted in love. It comes out of understanding what love actually is, and love comes out of devotion—being devoted to one another in love (Rom 12:10).  When we lose the concept of honor, we lose the concept of what could have made us valuable to begin with. Honor causes you to gain value. You gain honor in God’s eyes when you give the most honor. 


Honor is a decision, a language, and a lifestyle. We make the decision to live with honor in everything we do. What if your honor unlocks something in someone else that they never knew was there before? Start to cultivate the verbiage of honor by letting people know that you appreciate them. Learn to be thoughtful in your life and recognize the value in the people that are around you. Honor brings everything up while dishonor brings everything down. Make the decision today to honor on purpose and with no strings attached. When you do, you will begin to live a purposeful life that is transformed by the honor you give to yourself and to others. 

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