This blog is by guest speaker Jared Nieman

As we kick off our Revival Sundays series, I want to dive deep into a topic that's crucial for every believer: your identity in Christ. In today's world, we hear a lot about identity, but do we truly understand the power of our God-given identity? Let's explore how embracing who you are in Christ can ignite personal revival and transform your life.

Understanding Your New Creation Identity

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

The moment you make Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life, something extraordinary happens - you become a new creation. This isn't just a nice metaphor; it's a spiritual reality. The old you, with all its sin and brokenness, is gone. In its place stands a new you, reborn in Christ.

But what does this new identity mean practically? It means that:

  1. Your sins are forgiven
  2. You have a new nature
  3. You're spiritually reborn
  4. You have a fresh start in life

This new identity isn't something you created or can change. It's an absolute gift from God, secured by what Jesus did on the cross.

The Difference Between Salvation and Lordship

Many Christians understand salvation, but fewer grasp the concept of lordship. Salvation is about Jesus saving you from your sins. Lordship is about Jesus ruling every aspect of your life.

Here's a hard truth: many of us want the benefits of salvation without the commitment of lordship. We want God's peace, joy, and favor, but we're hesitant to fully submit to His will. We can't have it both ways. True revival comes when we embrace both salvation and lordship.

Becoming Ambassadors for Christ

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God." - 2 Corinthians 5:20

With our new identity comes a new calling. We're not just saved; we're sent. Every believer is called to be an ambassador for Christ. What does this mean?

  1. We represent God's kingdom in this world
  2. We carry God's message of reconciliation
  3. We live according to God's standards, not the world's

Being an ambassador isn't just for pastors or missionaries. It's for every believer, in every workplace, neighborhood, and family.

The Challenge of Conformity

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2

One of the biggest threats to our identity in Christ is conformity to the world. Satan's strategy is simple: if he can't rob you of your salvation, he'll try to rob you of your effectiveness by getting you to conform to the world's patterns.

Conformity can look like:

  • Adopting worldly values
  • Compromising on biblical standards
  • Prioritizing earthly success over spiritual growth
  • Blending in rather than standing out for Christ

Resisting conformity isn't easy. It often means looking foolish to the world. But remember, we're not living for man's approval; we're living for God's approval.

The Power of Obedience and Holiness

"As obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct." - 1 Peter 1:14-15

Obedience to God and pursuit of holiness are non-negotiable aspects of our identity in Christ. Yet, these are often the areas where we struggle most. We want God's blessings without God's requirements.

Consider this: only 3% of Christians tithe regularly. Imagine the impact on the church and the world if even 10% of believers tithed consistently! This is just one example of how our lack of obedience hinders the revival God wants to bring.

Holiness isn't about perfection; it's about direction. It's about consistently choosing God's ways over the world's ways, even when it's difficult.

The Danger of Compromise

Small compromises can lead to great devastation. Think of your life as a house. The front door can have one of two words on it: "compromise" or "conviction." When you open the door to compromise, you lose control over what enters your life.

Consider these examples:

  • Alcoholism doesn't start with drunkenness; it starts with a casual drink at lunch.
  • Affairs don't start with sex; they start with inappropriate conversations.
  • Explosive fights in marriage don't start with yelling; they start with a lack of respect.

Closing the door to compromise and opening the door to conviction is key to maintaining your identity in Christ and experiencing personal revival.

Renewing Your Mind: The Key to Transformation

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2

Renewing your mind is crucial for maintaining your identity in Christ. This renewal isn't a one-time event; it's an ongoing process. It involves:

  1. Regular study of God's Word
  2. Constant prayer and communion with God
  3. Surrounding yourself with godly influences
  4. Actively replacing worldly thoughts with biblical truths

This process of renewal is impossible without the Holy Spirit's presence in your life. That's why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is so crucial for every believer.

The Call to Repentance and Lordship

Revival starts with repentance. Not just saying "I'm sorry," but truly changing direction. It's about making Jesus not just your Savior, but your Lord.

This might mean:

  • Getting rid of things in your life that don't honor God
  • Cleaning up your social media presence
  • Apologizing to those you've hurt
  • Changing the way you speak and act

Real repentance leads to real change, and real change leads to revival.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Revival

The Holy Spirit is essential for personal revival. He's the one who empowers us to live out our identity in Christ. When we're filled with the Holy Spirit, we gain strength to resist temptation.  Also,we receive wisdom to make godly decisions.  The infilling of the Holy Spirit empowers us to be effective witnesses for Christ.  And finally, when we're filled with the Spirit, we experience the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.

If you've never received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I encourage you to seek it. It's a game-changer in your walk with God.

Becoming Agents of Revival

As we wrap up this first message in our Revival Sundays series, I want to challenge you: Will you be an agent of revival? Will you fully embrace your identity in Christ, resist conformity to the world, and live as an ambassador for God's kingdom?

Revival doesn't start with pastors or big events. It starts in living rooms, workplaces, and neighborhoods. It starts with ordinary believers like you and me choosing to live extraordinarily for God.
Let's pray for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit in our lives, our church, and our community. Let's commit to being not just hearers of the Word, but doers. And let's believe that as we embrace our true identity in Christ, we'll see God move in powerful ways.

Are you ready for revival? It starts with you. It starts now. Let's go!

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