Different Kinds of Gifts
By Pastor Jeffrey Smith
In 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Paul listed the gifts of the Spirit in three different divisions: the discerning gifts, the declarative gifts, and the dynamic gifts.
The discerning gifts are defined as the “POWER TO KNOW” and it includes the word of wisdom which is a divine answer or solution for a particular event. When the Spirit reveals something specific, the word of knowledge is employed without the believer knowing the information by natural means. The discerning of spirits is a gift where the believer is able to discern the difference between a godly spirit, a natural-man spirit, and a demonic spirit.
The second grouping of gifts are the declarative gifts which are the “POWER TO SAY.” The gift of tongues, or different kinds of languages, is primarily found in Acts 2 where the first church was speaking in different tongues and the outsiders heard it in their own native language.
Another type of tongues, described in 1 Corinthians 14, explains a heavenly language spoken aloud in church when it is appropriately interpreted by a believer so people can understand the message given from God to the church.
One last kind of tongue is found in 1 Corinthians 14:2. It is a prayer language that speaks “to” God rather than “from” God where the believer utters mysteries to God with his spirit. In Romans 8:26, Paul explains that when we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes through us with groans that words cannot express.
The final declarative gift is prophecy which is a God-inspired declaration or description of something in the future that our natural minds do not have the ability to come up with.
In the last grouping of the gifts, we find the three dynamic gifts which have the “POWER TO DO." Included here is the gift of miracles as a divine intervention that alters our natural circumstance.
Next, the gift of healing is the supernatural endowment of divine health, whether a believer receives it for himself or imparts the gift of healing to others.
Lastly, the gift of faith is defined as the supernatural impartation of belief and confidence for a specific situation. This is not referring to the saving kind of faith, but rather faith where you know God is in control and all will work out.
If you are a believer of Jesus Christ, then these gifts are available for you today.