Hey church! 

We miss you and we hope that you are well!  We know that many of you are wondering when we’re planning to gather in person for services, and we want to give you a quick update on where we are as a church as things begin to open up here in our area.

We can’t wait for the day when we’re all together again and each of our locations are filled with people, but we want to do that at a time when it's safe for our entire church family.  Over the next few weeks, you’ll see churches begin to open up and start meeting, and we want to let you know about City of Life’s plan for in-person gatherings.  

As a large church with several locations, we have challenges we have to take into account.  We take very seriously the safety measures our government leaders have laid out. And those guidelines would profoundly change what church looks like for us and make it very difficult to safely gather.  Because of the challenges associated with meeting at a limited capacity and trying to reach such a large congregation, we have made a decision to continue to meet online through the months of May and June.  We are monitoring our state's reopening on a day-to-day basis and we want nothing more than to meet together again in person.   

We’ll keep you updated as things develop and let you know when we’re able to safely open our buildings for services.  The best place to stay up to date is in this email list, and to stay in touch on our social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram.

In the meantime we'll be meeting weekly LIVE on Sundays at cityoflife.live, on youtube, and on Facebook to worship together!  We have some exciting things planned for the next few weeks and new opportunities to connect face-to-face, including a Drive Thru Family Reunion on June 7!

We love you and we’re praying for you, City of Life.    

Coram Deo,

Pastors Jeffrey & Amy Smith

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