Always in Everything

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith 

The Bible is rife with interesting names, some profound, some funny, some too long to tweet. One translation of the name Habakkuk means hug. How sweet. Esau literally means hairy. Malachi means messenger. That’s a good one. This isn’t the start of a “19 Baby Names that will maximize your Instagram likes!” blog post, but it is to bring attention to the importance of names throughout the Bible. 

Jesus often changed names in order to set people on a new path. Simon was changed to Peter, or rock, to secure his role in building the church. Saul was changed to Paul, or humble, to reflect the temperament by which he would strengthen the early church. There are plenty of name-changes, but also God-breathed names of birth that would be inspired by means of visions or angels.

Upon getting word that Mary would carry the son of God, she was directed to name Him Immanuel, or God with us. The implication of this name can be one of the most liberating things in our walk of faith. God with us means there’s nothing too big or too small for Jesus to be a part of. It’s easy to feel like God is at the center of the big moments, the weddings, the graduations, the promotions, but God with us means that He’s with us at hour seven of your retail job. Immanuel means that every moment matters and we’re drawing from a well with far more capacity than our own. Don’t give up because Jesus means that God is with us!

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