Always in Eternity

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith

I recently took an awesome trip to Italy. The landscapes are some of the most awe-inspiring that I’ve ever seen. Between the still-intact ruins and the architecture, I can safely say there are few places I’ve been that can compare. Even so, paradise is an elusive idea. In Jesus First, Jesus Always I touch on our popular notions of paradise. The first things that come to our heads in regards to paradise are usually beautiful scenery and great weather, but Jesus makes a claim on the cross in Luke 23 that has the potential to flip our ideas of paradise on their head.

The two crucified convicts on either side of Jesus are in the midst of their imminent doom and have distinct responses to the man in between them. “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” one convict said through insults and disgust. The other recognizes the innocence of Jesus and pleads that he would be remembered in the Kingdom of Heaven. What Jesus responded with is the hope we ought to cling to and the reality with which we should operate. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

While there may be serenity and happiness found in what we often consider paradise, it’s all based on circumstance. Unfortunately, it still rains in what we consider paradise. Life has a way of touching all of us, but if we see paradise as being with Jesus instead of some flighty hope of vacation, we can be free to life paradise now. 


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