Unity in Diversity

Pastor Jeffrey Smith 

Last week, we looked at how important it is to recognize the Holy Spirit. It’s also important to look at the triune nature of God. This foundation of the Trinity is what allows us to understand the value of the Holy Spirit. In looking at the Trinity, we realize that it is an important part of creation. 


In the first page of scripture, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are mentioned. Where? Well, Genesis 1:1 features God the Father, His Spirit hovering over the waters , and Light which God spoke into existence (Jesus). We see the Trinity working in unity with each other to accomplish creation. Further on in Genesis, it says “let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” God is not schizophrenic. It’s crucial to note that every aspect of God’s nature was there at creation. 


The Trinity is also important for culture. Deuteronomy 6:4 says “Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” We’ve discussed the triune nature of God, but here it states that there is diversity in the unity of the Trinity. His very essence is unity in diversity. In Matthew 28, Jesus goes as far as saying “...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” He tells us all to baptize in the name of one God with three distinct aspects. This model of unity in diversity is the kind of example our culture needs.

It’s difficult for us to grasp this concept: three-in-one. Imagine it like this: if you draw a line, that’s all it is, it only makes up one-dimension. If you add more lines and make a square, you can discern a little more about it, it makes up two-dimensions. If you now add squares within the square, you’ve got a cube with width, height, and depth. We must be devoted to attempting to seek out the multifaceted, multidimensional reality of God.

Lastly, the Trinity is important for relationships. It demonstrates the love, the value, and the kindness exchanged within the relationship. Love did not begin with man. If it did, it would be a created thing. God is love. As a matter of fact, when God created man, it was an overflow of the love that already existed. His love for us is so great because He is love.

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