More than a Motto

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith 

Jesus First, Jesus Always is more than just a phrase, a book, or a project. I believe it is a message that can help you live the life you were meant to live. This book is intended to be something that can be discussed among friends. It’s written for new believers and for people who grew up in church alike. If you let it, Jesus First, Jesus Always can be the lens through which you live your entire life. 


As a pastor, I constantly encounter people wrestling with big questions. Questions that frankly I wrestle with myself as well. A few years ago my church and I went through an extremely painful loss that I will discuss later. That pain, and the pain of many other situations in my life, drove me to start a conversation about the tough questions in life. While I don’t claim to have every answer, I do think that the journey God led me through can shed some light on your situation. If you’ve been blindsided by the pain of life, I pray this message will be like seeing for the first time. 


My book Jesus First, Jesus Always releases this week everywhere books are sold. I want to take a moment to thank you for your interest and support in the book. It means so much to me to know that God is going to speak to you through this effort. Ultimately, I just want people’s lives to be filled with hope. I believe that Jesus is the source of our hope and when we live in hope, everything changes. Hope is not some faint wish upon a star. Hope is a warrior that fights for your future. As this book is released, it’s my prayer that hope is released. My words cannot transform lives, but as God speaks to hearts through the book, anything could happen.

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