Fixing What’s Broken

Pastor Jeffrey Smith 

Have you ever learned how to make something work that was broken?
Back in the day, my grandpa had a TV with antennas. When the reception was messed up, he figured out a way to fix it using aluminum foil to tune it in. We would ask him why he doesn’t have it fixed, and he would mumble about it being too difficult since he would have to buy new TV, new antennas and cable; he would rather just make it work himself.
Many times in life, we find that things are broken. We know the way we are living is broken, our family is broken, our bodies are broken; but we choose to stay and live that way. Rather than getting to the heart of the problem or finding a solution that really fixes things, we learn how to live with a broken life. 
Jesus shares with us a story about a women who had a broken life. In Luke 8:40-48, it reads:
Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him.…
As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him.And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
What I like about this lady is that she builds up the courage to finally do something outside of her comfort zone. It says that no one could heal her. She tried that. However this time, she put a demand the anointing on Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. She went to the one who could fix what was broken in her life. 
Jesus is waiting for you to get the faith to believe that he is good enough, powerful enough, and strong enough to heal you of your condition. He fixes broken lives. 

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