
What Does It Mean to Be Holy?

Written by Pastor Jeffrey Smith on March 03, 2024 | Found in: Blog

Have you ever encountered something so awe-inspiring, so transcendent, that words fell short? That's the dilemma we face when delving into the concept of God's holiness. It's a realm where human language fails to capture the essence, and mere definitions cannot do justice. The key is to seek experiences that reveal the profound mystery of God's holiness, allowing it to transform our perspectives and lives.

The Significance of Holiness

Why does holiness matter so much? The Bible makes it clear that holiness is not just an attribute of God; it's the foundation upon which His character rests. In fact, the first four of the Ten Commandments directly address the reverence and honor due to God's holiness. This emphasis underscores the weight and importance of this concept – God would not waste 40% of His commandments on something trivial.

Isaiah's Encounter with Holiness

To truly grasp the magnitude of God's holiness, we turn to the prophet Isaiah's awe-inspiring account in Isaiah 6:1-3. Here, Isaiah witnesses a glimpse into the throne room of heaven, where the train of God's robe fills the temple, and angelic beings called seraphim cry out, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. The whole earth is full of his glory."

The repetition of "holy" three times is not mere emphasis; it's a profound statement of God's transcendent holiness. The seraphim, created beings themselves, cover their faces and feet, acknowledging their unworthiness in the presence of such holiness. Even the doorposts and thresholds shake at the sound of their voices, and the temple is filled with smoke, a symbol of God's glory.

The Undoing of Isaiah

Isaiah's response is a powerful illustration of what happens when a human encounters the holiness of God. The most righteous man in all of Israel, Isaiah, cries out, "Woe to me! I am ruined!" He is undone, disintegrated in the face of such holiness. His righteousness, the very integrity of his being, is unraveling before God's perfect, set-apart nature.

This reaction underscores a crucial truth: in the presence of God's holiness, all pretense of self-righteousness crumbles. There is no room for elitism, racism, nationalism, or class distinctions. We are all leveled by the realization that we are nothing before the Holy One.

The Hope of Atonement

Yet, even in this moment of utter undoing, God's grace shines through. One of the seraphim touches Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, symbolizing cleansing and atonement. The angel declares, "Your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for."

This moment foreshadows the ultimate atonement achieved through Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, we can approach God's throne of grace boldly, obtaining mercy and finding grace to help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16). The holiness that once seemed unreachable is now accessible, not because of our worthiness but because of Christ's finished work on the cross.

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

But the wonder doesn't stop there. Not only do we have access to God's presence, but the very Spirit of Holiness dwells within us as believers. The Holy Spirit, the source of God's holiness, resides in us, transforming us from the inside out.

This reality carries a profound implication: wherever we go, the Holy Spirit goes with us. Our choices, our words, and our actions are all influenced by the presence of the Holy One within us. We can no longer live as we once did, for we are now the temples of the living God (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Living in Holiness

Embracing the holiness of God is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of reverence and surrender. It means honoring the name of Jesus with our lives, not just our words. It means allowing the Holy Spirit to shape our thoughts, desires, and behaviors, aligning them with God's perfect will.

Living in holiness means forsaking the ordinary, the common, and the profane. It means seeking a life that reflects the extraordinary, set-apart nature of God Himself. It's a journey of awe, wonder, and transformation as we continually encounter the One who is holy, holy, holy.


The pursuit of holiness is not a mere intellectual exercise; it's a call to encounter the living God in all His glory and perfection. Just as Isaiah was undone in God's holiness, we too must come undone, allowing the Spirit to disintegrate our pride, self-reliance, and misplaced priorities.

Yet, in this undoing, we find the greatest hope – the hope of atonement, restoration, and transformation. We are made whole again through the power of Christ's sacrifice, and we are empowered to live a life that honors and reflects the holiness of God.

So let us press on in this journey, seeking to experience the fullness of God's holiness, not just in fleeting moments but in every aspect of our lives. In this pursuit, we truly encounter the heart of God – a heart that is holy, holy, holy.