
Pursuing Holiness: A Journey of Reverence and Awe

Written by Pastor Jeffrey Smith on March 10, 2024 | Found in: Blog

In a world filled with constant distractions and a culture obsessed with outward appearances, the concept of holiness can seem like a distant and elusive pursuit. However, as believers, we are called to embrace a life of holiness – not as a mere checklist of dos and don'ts, but as a transformative journey that draws us closer to the very heart of God. In this blog, we will explore the depths of what it means to be holy, as revealed through the intricate details of the Old Testament tabernacle and the fulfillment found in Jesus Christ.

The Holiness of God: An Uncommon Presence

The holiness of God is not a quality that can be easily defined by a dictionary or confined within the boundaries of human understanding. It is a profound and awe-inspiring reality that causes even the most righteous among us to feel undone in His presence. Just as Isaiah experienced a revelation of God's holiness, crying out, "I am undone," we, too, must recognize the stark contrast between our finite existence and the infinite holiness of our Creator.

God's holiness is not merely an attribute; it is the very essence of His being. It is His "otherness" – the quality that sets Him apart from all else, transcending the ordinary and the common. When we truly encounter the holiness of God, it should evoke within us a sense of reverence and awe, compelling us to approach Him with humility and a deep respect.

Sanctification: Becoming Set Apart

As believers, we are not merely called to admire God's holiness from afar; we are called to participate in it. The Scriptures exhort us to "be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16). This charge is not a suggestion; it is a divine mandate, echoing the very purpose for which we were created – to reflect the image of our holy God.

However, the pursuit of holiness is not a task we can undertake in our own strength. It requires a daily surrender to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to sanctify us from the inside out. As we submit to this process of sanctification, we become increasingly set apart from the patterns of this world, our thoughts, words, and actions progressively aligning with the character of Christ.

The Tabernacle: A Blueprint for Holiness

In the book of Exodus, God provided the Israelites with a tangible blueprint for encountering His holy presence – the tabernacle. Every intricate detail, from the materials used to the precise measurements, carried profound symbolism and significance. The tabernacle was not a mere structure; it was a sacred space, a dwelling place for the Almighty, designed to teach His people the reverence and awe required to approach Him.

As we delve into the details of the tabernacle, we will uncover layers of spiritual truth that offer insight into our own pursuit of holiness. The outer court, the holy place, and the holy of holies each represent different levels of intimacy with God, inviting us to explore the depths of His presence and the transformative impact it can have on our lives.

The Pathway to Presence

Entering into the presence of the Holy One is not a casual endeavor; it requires intentionality and reverence. Just as the Israelites were instructed to meticulously follow God's blueprint for the tabernacle, we, too, must approach the pursuit of holiness with intentional obedience and a deep respect for the sacred.

This intentionality extends beyond mere outward appearances or religious rituals; it is a posture of the heart, a willingness to lay aside the distractions and entanglements of this world to fully engage with the One who calls us holy. It is a commitment to living a life of sobriety, alert and focused on the things of God, allowing His presence to permeate every aspect of our existence.

Christ, Our Holy of Holies

While the Old Testament tabernacle provided a glimpse into God's holiness, it was merely a shadow of the ultimate revelation found in Jesus Christ. Through His sacrificial death and resurrection, the veil separating humanity from the holy of holies was torn in two, granting us unprecedented access to the very presence of God.

In Christ, we no longer approach holiness through intricate rituals or sacrificial offerings; we approach it through the free gift of grace, made available to all who place their faith in Him. Yet, this grace does not negate the call to holiness; rather, it empowers us to live lives that reflect the very character of our Savior, who is both fully God and fully man.

Pursuing Holiness in Daily Life

The pursuit of holiness is not a one-time event; it is a lifelong journey, a continual process of transformation and growth. As we navigate the challenges and temptations of this world, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to living set apart lives, ever mindful of the holiness to which we are called.

This journey requires a constant posture of humility, recognizing our utter dependence on the grace of God and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. It involves cultivating spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers, all aimed at nurturing our intimacy with the Lord and allowing His holiness to shape every aspect of our lives.


Living in the Presence of the Holy OneIn a world that often celebrates the common and the ordinary, the call to holiness stands as a radical invitation – a beckoning to embrace a life set apart, a life lived in the very presence of the Holy One. It is a journey that demands our utmost reverence, our unwavering obedience, and our wholehearted surrender to the transformative power of God's Spirit.

As we navigate this journey, may we never lose sight of the profound reality that we have been made holy through the sacrifice of Christ. May this truth fuel our pursuit, igniting within us a burning desire to reflect the radiant holiness of our Savior in every thought, word, and deed. For in His presence, we find our truest purpose, our deepest fulfillment, and the very essence of what it means to be set apart for His glory.