
Play Your Part: A Call for Generational Unity in Fulfilling Christ's Great Commission

Written by Pastor Jessica Reedy on February 25, 2024 | Found in: Blog

The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28 calls every generation of believers to go and make disciples of all nations. This is not merely a suggestion or recommendation, but a direct command from our Lord and Savior. However, no single generation can accomplish this monumental task alone. It requires active participation, lifelong commitment, and unity between the generations if we aim to see the Great Commission fulfilled.

Lessons from the Past

In Exodus 17, we find a powerful example of how cooperation between generations leads to victory in God’s work. The Israelites had just escaped captivity in Egypt when they faced attack by the Amalekites.

Moses took his position on a mountain, lifting up the staff of God in intercessory prayer while Aaron and Hur supported his tired arms. Down in the valley, the young warrior Joshua led the Israelite soldiers in battle. The combined effort of Moses’ spiritual leadership and prayer, Aaron and Hur’s practical aid, and Joshua’s courageous frontline action defeated the Amalekite army.

This passage illustrates that every generation has a valuable role to play on the same team. Moses’ mature spiritual authority, Aaron and Hur’s supportive strength, and Joshua’s youthful energy worked together to overcome the enemy.

Active Participation

To achieve the Great Commission today, active participation from every generation is needed. Some may be “hands on” while others are “hands up” in prayer, but nobody’s hands are off!

Young adults on the frontlines of ministry engender fresh passion, new ideas and physical action. Seasoned saints provide wisdom, experience, mentorship, and fervent intercession.

When all generations roll up their sleeves in humble service, avoiding pride or judgment of one another, there is no limit to what the Spirit can accomplish through us.

Lifelong Commitment

Nowhere does Jesus imply the Great Commission was only intended for young adults earlier in life. This calling remains constant regardless of age, stage of life, or changing personal circumstances.  The place you live, your vocation, your marital status and your responsibilities mayall change throughout your lifetime but your one true calling remains the same:

1) Make disciples of all nations 

2) Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son &Holy Spirit 

3) Teach them God’s commands.

Young believers offer much-needed zeal, technology skills, and bravery to reach new groups. Senior saints model resilient faith and provide encouragement through their long obedience.

By staying actively invested in Jesus’ mission from youth through retirement, we demonstrate the unwavering love of Christ to the world around us.

Fostering Intergenerational Trust

How can we build greater unity and effectiveness between generations? The key is intentionally cultivating environments of mutual honor, value and trust.

Young people show respect for elderly believers by humbly seeking their wisdom and supporting their leadership. Seasoned saints empower youth by entrusting them with responsibility, listening to their ideas and walking beside them as mentors.

Serving together in small groups builds relationship. Sharing testimonies fosters understanding. Celebrating accomplishments creates encouragement. And praying for one another aligns our hearts.

The Reward of Unity

Jesus prayed that His followers “will become one heart and mind—just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, so they might be one heart and mind with us.” He knew our intergenerational unity would give evidence of God’s love and the truth of the Gospel to the world.

Imagine what our churches and communities might look like if we embraced this vision of uniting across age divides. The work of the Holy Spirit would surge forward unleashed and unhindered. Instead of segmentation and confusion, we would have collaboration and multiplication.

One Family, One Mission

We each have a part to play in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our active participation, lifelong commitment and unity across generations will demonstrate the reality of Jesus to the watching world.

The time is now for boomers, Gen X, millennials, Gen Z, and every generation to lock arms as one family for this mission. Our multigenerational oneness will prove to a divided culture that Jesus Christ is Lord of all.