
Not Forgotten

Written by Pastor Jeffrey Smith on March 04, 2018 | Found in: Blog

Not Forgotten

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith 


John 14:16

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.


If you want to play piano and enjoy music, there’ll be a time when you’re starting off that you don’t even understand the relationship between the keys and the notes they produce: that’s what learning is all about. If we’re ever to know who the Holy Spirit is to us, we’ve got to sit down and spend time learning those keys.


Have you ever discovered something that revolutionized the way you do things or the way you see the world? As a 44 year old man, I’ll never forget what it felt like to discover Nutella. This wasn't something I'd previously experienced. But when I tried it, it changed everything. I almost ate it straight from the jar. 


Sometimes you discover a thing. Sometimes you discover a person. From the first time I ever laid eyes on my wife, I knew I was going to marry that woman.


The Holy Spirit is a person. He’s patiently waiting for you discover Him and when you do, everything changes. The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus, yet so often He’s ignored! Some churches are Father-centric, some are Son-centric, some are Word-centric, some are Spirit-centric. There has been a great shift away from Spirit-centric churches  because of misuse and misunderstanding of the Holy Spirit. It’s gotten so bad that people have discarded the power of the Holy Spirit completely. However, if we are to truly interact with God, we must understand His principles and the ways in which He operates. The Father, Son, Spirit, and the Word all flow together to transform us into the image of Jesus. We cannot forget the Holy Spirit, because He has not forgotten us.