
How to Be a Giver and Not a Taker, Part 2

Written by Pastor Jeffrey Smith on January 29, 2017 | Found in: Blog

By Pastor Jeffrey Smith


People are often misled to believe that they can get ahead in life without sowing and reaping. We learned last week, that the Bible takes an agricultural approach to personal growth and development. The seeds you sow in your relationships, finances and other areas of your life will create a harvest over time. There are multitudes of people who do not follow the ways of God who contribute thousands of dollars to various charities and causes. Is the idea of generosity much deeper than solely an act of giving? I believe we need to look deeper at the root of generosity to truly unlock its power.

The Bible says in Proverbs 11:24, “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.” Generosity causes our world to expand and grow, while stinginess causes our world to shrink. What is stinginess? Stinginess is an unwillingness to give to God or others. If I take God and others out of the equation of my life and actions, I am left with solely myself. Self-centeredness means everything in my life revolves around me. What causes us to become self-centered? The answer is pride. C.S. Lewis defined pride as  ‘the ruthless, sleepless, unsmiling concentration on the self.” The self-centered life is blind to the presence of God and needs of those around you. It is mostly consumed with the needs, pleasures, satisfaction, comfort, and advantages of self.  

Lucifer was the angel in heaven in charge of worship to God. One day he became so full of himself and was convinced he was like God and that others should worship him. His pride led to his demotion and he was cast out of heaven with a third of the angels. True worship belongs to God alone. A generous life is not consumed with the worship, promotion, or comfort of self.

If stinginess is rooted in self-centeredness then generosity is rooted in a God-centered life. A God-centered life means everything I do revolves around Him.  A God-centered life includes God and others and it turns "me" into "we". Humility is at the root our God-centered life. We give generously because we are grateful for His love and recognize that our blessings and resources come from His hand. We are able to give to others without worry if we will get anything in return. God is truly the source of our fulfillment. As we sow seeds of generosity in all aspects of life then we know God will bless the investments we make in His name. He is a rewarder of those who seek Him first and worship Him through generosity.