“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.”  
John 10:10 NIV

Connect is designed to help you become a fully-integrated, lifelong member of the church. From learning all about the vision of City of Life Church, to finding your place on our Dream Team, we will provide you with a path to experience life and growth through membership in this church family.  

Connect is comprised of specifically designed classes listed below.  Each class helps you take a step towards membership and serving here at City of Life Church. Ultimately, our goal is to help you connect with a group of people where your life can touch the lives of others!

WEEK 1:  CONNECT  (Become a member)

Becoming a member at City of Life starts with connecting with the story, vision and values of our church family. We’ll discuss the essential tools and beliefs that produce a meaningful relationship with Christ and what your journey with God can look like here at City of Life church. 


Go beyond just being a spectator to being a difference maker by committing to use your gifts on our Dream Team. You’ll learn all about the community, growth, and fulfillment that comes from building the Body of Christ and reaching the lost.


Join the Dream Team Rally and shadow your assigned team leader.


We're currently offering Connect on Sundays at 11:30 am in the Administration Building.

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