PRISM Backpack SponsorshipJuly 12, 2020

One of the ways we reach out to our community is through PRISM, our ministry to single mothers and their children. Over the past 6 years we've given away a total of 2,200 backpacks to kids of single mothers through the generosity of our church family!

For each $15 donation, you can sponsor a high-quality backpack filled with school supplies that will be given to a child of a single mom in our community.  While many of the families in our community face unemployment from the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis, this backpack can help alleviate the financial challenges of preparing for back to school for our single moms.  It's truly a blessing!  

Our goal is to sponsor 400 backpacks this year!  

Text the word PRISM, space, and a dollar amount in increments of 15 (example: PRISM 15) to 855-997-6900.

Your gift of:

  • $15 = 1 backpack
  • $30 = 2 backpacks
  • $45 = 3 backpacks
  • $60 = 4 backpacks
  • $75 = 5 backpacks
  • $90 = 6 backpacks
  • $105 = 7 backpacks
  • $120 = 8 backpacks
  • $135 = 9 backpacks
  • $150 = 10 backpacks 

Thank you, City of Life, for making the hope of Jesus known!

If you are a single mom who would like to register your children for a backpack, please do so here.  

Event Details

Day: Sunday
Time: All Day
Location: Online
Map It-
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Childcare: Yes
Contact: Amy Cintron

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